Friday, February 27, 2009

To old friends and shamrock shakes

I am so very ready for spring to arrive! Every now and then we get up to almost 50 and we start to believe in Spring. Then we get more ice and sleet and snow and subzero wind chills and we realize we are still in an Iowa winter. This morning the roads and drive and yard were all solid ice with a dusting of snow on top. Wed. we started school 2 hours late and it was barely icy. Thursday we got out of school 4 hours early because it was supposed to get icy. Today it was ICY and so cold you literally got a "brain freeze" walking into the wind! And we were right on time and put in a full day. Go figure! But each day surely means we are one day closer to Spring, doesn't it? This week I stopped at McDonald's and they now have their wonderful GREEN shamrock shakes in for St. Patrick's Day. Now I LOVE St. Patrick's Day and the chance to show my Irish side. And I LOVE shamrock shakes with their mintyness. But I really love seeing GREEN and knowing someday we will see green grass and green leaves and green stems popping up and the days will get warmer and longer and YEAH FOR SPRING!

Okay, you've all heard of "old dogs and watermelon wine" right? My daughter hasn't. She's giving me weird looks. But see, I don't do watermelon wine and yeah we have an old dog who has seen much better days. But I wanted to tell you about old friends. I am still learning the ins and outs of Facebook with the help of my kids. But the funny thing is almost all of my "friends" on Facebook were actually classmates of my three kids and a few relatives. The problem is I either can't remember the last names of friends my age to look for them, or there are too many with that name to narrow it down to which one I knew. But this week I discovered groups. A friend of mine from childhood started a group for those of us who went to a certain summer church camp. So I joined that and then I started finding others who joined and they had friends I knew too and so my friend list is growing and my daughter is proud of me for having friends my age now even though she laughs about how old the friends my age are. Hmmmm... Today I was contacted by a lady who I was flower girl for in her wedding 45 years ago. The only thing I wonder is why she doesn't look older than I do. So now I started my own group to try to connect with old friends from my neighborhood where I grew up who all went to the same elementary school with me. It will be fun to see how many more "old friends" I find that way. Our elementary school and my childhood home have been torn down and a lot of the old neighborhood is showing its age as well.

I see nobody took my challenge to do the letter thing I did a couple of blogs ago. Amazing how nobody at all left me a comment on that one that I worked so long and hard on. Hmmm. Come on guys, you can do it too. Anyway, I have to get headed back to town for a Show Choir Dinner so I have to get off here. In the meantime, may you enjoy old friends and have a shamrock shake.


Vanessa {Bloom Right Here!} said...

It was 80° here on Thursday, but today it is 43°. You should see the daffodils. Some yards are almostly completely covered in them. Beautiful!

I find facebook so interesting. I noticed yesterday that you, two uncles from mom's side of the family, and an old friend from Hamburg all because friends with the same lady. I'm guessing it may be the camp group you were talking about. I just find the whole "six degrees of separation" thing intriguing.

Dee said...

I visited face book a long time ago and was overwhelmed with it. I will have to go back and visit it again as so many bloggers seem to be enjoying it. I am sorry no one commented on your letters post especially after so much time and thought was put into it. That happens to me a lot. It doesn't mean it was not read and enjoyed.I hope you will continue to post. I enjoy visiting you. Dee