Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Life is But a Breath

Today's Bible verse says that my life is just a breath to God. I can understand that because sometimes it doesn't seem much more than that even to me. Last year I turned 50 and a lot of my friends are turning 50 now as well. 50 is half a century. It is weird how people my age are getting older and grayer all the time. I really don't feel that old most of the time. I look in the mirror now and then and wonder where all those wrinkles came from. This has been a week of feeling old. On Saturday I was having muscle spasms in my back. But a hot pack and some Ibuprofen made me feel better, so my husband and I and 5 other couples from church met for a Valentine's supper. After supper though the spasms came back in full vengeance until I thought about going to the emergency room. But once again I toughed it through and seemed to get better. Then yesterday morning I woke up at 5AM with the spasms back again. So I broke down and went to the doctor yesterday afternoon. Guess what she decided? I'm having muscle spasms in my back! Go figure! So she gave me muscle relaxers and told me to take them 3 times a day but only while I'm home. So I took one yesterday afternoon when I got home and I slept 2 hours then got up for supper and then slept another 8 hours. Today I didn't take any since I had to work and can't do that at home. This morning I got up for work and my right knee was stiff and hurt and could barely bend. Thought I was going to have to find a cane to go to work with. Tonight I'm eating peanuts and lost half a tooth. Of course it was the one my partial plate anchors onto. Now I was just at the dentist and she told me I needed to get my crowns on the bottom right teeth. This was a bottom left one that is now half gone. Like I said, I'm getting old and in a hurry too. I can't be this old! I have too much to do yet! Where is the time going? I don't even have time to get my house in order, let alone my life! I guess it's time to prioritize. What do I really want and need to accomplish? If my life is just a breath, I hope it is a long, slow breath.

1 comment:

Dee said...

Hi, I am just stopping in to say hello. I am having a brain drain on what to post on my blog so i decided to visit each of my blogger friends. I just turned 60. My friends and i are moving much slower, and giggle at each others forgetfulness and how much time we spend back tracking to get purses,glasses, keys ect. when we are out.I do not recognize the person in the mirror at times. I am trying to age gracefully. But if you can get past the aches and pains and changing looks-there is a surprise! A peace, a letting go of things, an enjoyment of the smaller things in life. An inner smile. Dee