Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Snow Day!

Last night, the calling tree called to say we were already two hours delayed for today due to the storm warnings and the snow falling. Then at 6 AM today they called back to say school was now canceled. Yes, I could use a snow day off. BUT I don't want to make it up and I hope this is not a premonition of things to come this winter. Well, we got 8 1/2 inches of snow on top of the ice we got first. Then you add a strong wind to blow and drift it into piles and it is not fun. It is just plain brutal outside. How do I know? Am I not smart enough to stay inside? Oh, I am! I planned to sleep in, get up and make a pot of oatmeal for my breakfast. Then while it was cooling I was going to take a nice hot shower and get dressed in comfy clothes, then put the bedding in the washer. THAT was MY plan. However, my husband decided to get up earlier and go out to his shop. Then he decided to push snow with the skid loader, which he promptly got stuck down the hill in the old horse pasture. Why was he in the pasture? I guess he slid there from the drive. Anyway, before I could make the oatmeal or take the shower, and was just stripping the bedding, he called the house. He needed me to come out and pull the skid loader out with the pickup. So forget the shower, forget the oatmeal, put the bedding in the washer and get dressed. That included clean underwear, then thermal underwear, a tshirt, socks, sweat pants, sweat shirt, winter coat, gloves, ear grips, his insulated knee boots, and the hood up on the coat. Reminded me of when I used to bundle the kids up to go play in the snow and by the time they were bundled one of them would have to go to the bathroom and we could start all over again. Or they'd get outside and play for a few minutes and decide they were bored and come back in. Anyway, that was not my option, so I waddled in all my padding through the big drifts of snow and slid on the ice underneath out to his shop. He took the pickup out and hooked the chains to his skid loader and told me to go. RIGHT! I tried. The pickup tried. We slid and jerked and spun our wheels and blew diesel smoke all over the place and slid some more. So he gets out of the skid loader and comes and takes my place in the truck and gets it unstuck. Then we start over again with him in the skid loader and me driving truck. More jerks and sliding and spinning and backing up and ramming it forward and finally the skid loader was back on the drive! Yeah! I parked the truck right there and started walking to the house. Bless his heart, he took the skid loader and cleared me a path to the house so I didn't have to climb through the drifts, just slide on the ice. Came back in the house and changed out of the warm stuff. Made me a cup of coffee (with eggnog creamer, YUM!) and made a pot of homemade from scratch turkey curly noodle soup and apple corn muffins for lunch. Now it is almost 2:00. I haven't accomplished much of anything today. The laundry is going. But I now have dishes to do and really wanted to wrap gifts and finish addressing Christmas cards. Dr. Phil will be on in an hour. Yeah! Anyway, just thought I'd share with you my snow day on the farm. When we got rid of the pigs, I thought, "Yeah, no more trips out into the ice and snow to help clear hog lots or thaw waterers or load hogs." Nope, now I just get to go out and help pull out the skid loader. This was easier I must admit. But I'm still ready for a nap. Hope you are all in where it is warm and dry.


Vanessa {Bloom Right Here!} said...

Snow days are always the greatest....until you have to make them up! There is actually a chance for flurries down here today. At the sight of flurries people panic. Could be an interesting day.

Unknown said...

At least you all get snow to deal with. here in PTown we get a spittle and the town panics ! very funny to watch !
Stay SAFE & WARM !

Unknown said...

oh stop the complaining mother, I am getting sun burn and heat exhaustion here hahahahahhha