Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy 2009!

The verse of the day on here today is the one from John where Jesus promises us peace and not as the world gives. And tells us to not let our hearts be troubled. So I'm thinking, "hmmm, we are ending a year of financial disasters, and in Iowa and other places it has been natural disasters as well. We are starting into a new year and a new president and new political policies." There is plenty to be troubled about. Our country is at war in Afghanistan and Iraq and threatening to go to war in other places as well. The unemployment rate is way up. Some people will look back on 2008 and go "YaHoo it's over!" Others will look ahead to 2009 and wonder if it will be better or worse. But Jesus tells us like He did back then, to not be troubled but be at peace. No matter what tomorrow brings or what next year brings, God is still on His throne and still in control. He will still give me peace if I trust in Him. I do trust in Him.

Do you make New Year's resolutions? I don't because they end up getting broken and making me feel guilty. However, I do make plans to try to do better on certain things. I also set goals for myself to try to achieve. For instance, this coming year I really want to do better with my daily Bible study and journaling. I want to be a better wife and plan to try to work through the 40 day Love Dare book. (Family Life is challenging us all to do the 40 day Love Dare and they will send you a daily dare from January 5-February 13 with you ending with a special date on Valentine's Day. I also got the book for Christmas. ) I want to keep the house cleaner. I want to work at becoming healthier. I want to go back to the wellness center. (I really do enjoy working out there when I make myself go.) I want to spend more time doing the things I enjoy like reading and crafting and art and writing. Oh, I don't know. I just want to be a better person and continue to seek the Lord's will and follow His leading. I want to be a better witness for Him.

We had a wonderful New Year's eve so far. First of all, my phone rang at 5AM. It was midnight in New Zealand and my son called to tell me Happy New Year's. Every year he does that and every year it scares me awake because I forget he is going to. But then it pleases me to know that at the changing of the year, he always thinks of his old mum. The day itself wasn't anything too exciting. I did laundry and dishes and such and I talked to a lot of dear people on the phone. But then we went to supper at the home of a new friend from church. She's a sweetie and she made us this wonderful Brunswick stew and cornbread and then we taught her to play euchre and then we had pie. It was so much fun and the stew was delicious. So what made it a wonderful New Year's Eve? Friends and family of course. What could be better?

Here's wishing all of you a happy 2009. May the Lord bless you richly with friends and family and good health and may you know the peace that only He can give. Let not your hearts be troubled.


Vanessa {Bloom Right Here!} said...

So many of those goals are ones I have for myself also. I know I need to improve in so many areas. I've been enjoying your blog even though I haven't had a chance to comment lately.

Dee said...

Happy New Year! Nice post. I set goals also ~ and don't make resolutions. 2008 was rough, and 2009 will..well.. be what it will be. As you ~ I know God is in control. I plan on staying in scripture even more this year to shore up my trust and confidence in the Lord. Heavenly Blessings. Dee