Thursday, November 27, 2008

Welcome to my blog

Hello, everyone. I decided since most of my friends have blogs on here, that I should have one too. So I will give this a try. It's Thanksgiving Day today and I have so very much to be thankful for. God has blessed me richly again this year. No, I'm not rich financially. But I heard that being rich isn't based on how much you have, but on how little you need. God has taken care of my needs. Therefore, I am rich indeed. I have family and friends and food and a warm house and a dependable car and fuzzy four-legged friends as well. I have a job that pays the bills and shelter from the storms of life. I have freedom to worship the way I want. I have a God who has forgiven me so much and showered me with His love. Happy Thanksgiving. Linda

1 comment:

Pearl said...

Hi Linda! Welcome to blog land. I to am new to all this (somewhat)and I just started getting comments for the first time, once that happens you feel so good. People started talking about my pictures on my blog and well that's all it took. I have a few friends now. It's alot of fun meeting people this way. Come for a visit and I can't wait to see some pictures on your blog. You'll be great! Take care, Pearl